Monday, July 27, 2009

Getting settled in - 1

We set out our toadstools that Grandma Chief gave us. Nyla thought they would make great chairs, Just like Pat when he was little.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today we had our ultrasound and found out that we are having another girl. Nyla has been pretty insistent over the past week or two that the baby would be a girl, so I thought she would be pretty excited. But just to show how argumentative she has been lately she got all mad and told us she wanted a brother instead.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The weirdest place Nyla has ever fallen asleep

This picture was taken yesterday. I let Nyla lick the spatula and bowl after mixing up some pumpkin bread. Then she just laid down and fell asleep with her hand in the bowl.