Saturday, August 22, 2009

A few more picture of the house.

Nyla in the living room, or the ballroom as she calls it.

Her favorite thing to do lately is pretend she is Cinderella. Then she has conversations with her imaginary stepsisters, Anastasia and Drizella, as they get ready for the ball. They aren't mean stepsisters they
are nice and friendly.

Our bright pink bathroom. Nyla's favorite room when we moved in.

The dining room. Thanks for the table and chairs Aunt Vicki.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


During the day on Tuesday Nyla asks me out of the blue, " Mommy why did you go up there and get that Eucharist?" I really was not sure how to explain something like that to a 3 year old. I was also really shocked that she remembered and used the word Eucharist. Much later that day she suggested that's what we name the baby.


Nyla had her first day of preschool today. She absolutely loved it. She has been talking about it and her teacher Miss Lisa all day. We visited together on Tuesday, she thought the place was great, so today she was really excited to go back. We got there and she didn't cry or anything about me leaving.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Two Nyla Moments -- One Cute, One Disturbing

Last night, I went in to check on Nyla and shut her nightlight off, but I couldn't find her anywhere. Eventually, I found her -- she had put all her blankets in her football toy chest, climbed inside, and fallen asleep. Wyndee and I shared a chuckle over that one.

The disturbing moment -- Nyla jumped on Wyndee's belly and said, "You don't have a baby anymore. I killed it, actually." Creepy.

Also, we bought a minivan (used). Pictures to come.