Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


January in the Breheny house has been a bit hectic -- Wyndee has been on her own with two kids while I went back to work, and on top of that, both she and Nyla have been sick. They've managed to find a little bit of time for fun, though. Wyndee made Nyla a Cinderella dress as a Christmas present, which Nyla wore for three straight days. Here she is descending the staircase, possibly leaving behind a glass slipper....

Celia is growing...she still spits up a lot, but we've learned to live with it (I change out of dressy work clothes and into long-sleeve T shirts the minute I get home). Here she is, hanging out in her crib with her headband:
In the picture, her skin is still a little blotchy, but thankfully her infant acne has gone away since then. Nyla and Celia are getting along very well; Nyla loves to hold Celia, and Celia loves it when her big sister holds her and talks to her. Nyla is also very curious about breastfeeding; here she is trying to nurse her doll:

Little pitchers....

Wyndee and I might need to be a bit more careful about what we say around Nyla. Last week, when I went back to work for the first time after Christmas break, she said, "Where is that damn Daddy?"