Sunday, February 21, 2010


Nyla and I spent some Daddy-Daughter today at the Explorium, the children's museum in downtown Lexington. She had a fun time with the model of the Kentucky river (making it flood/dry up), riding and brushing the full-size horse replicas, flying the plane, exploring the cave, and walking on the moon, but her favorite things were the giant human mouth and the bubble room.

They had an eight foot human mouth that you could climb around on, and Nyla spent much time doing so, saying that she was a sugar bug (which is what we tell Nyla she has on her teeth when we brush them) turning the teeth green (which is what we tell her sugar does to teeth), and also saying "I'm a germ! I'm crawling into this person's mouth and making them sick!"

In the bubble room, you could walk into an area where you were surrounded by columns of water with bubbles of water rising; Nyla called it the "bubble cage". Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera...she was quite picturesque in the bubble cage, on the teeth, and riding her horse. You could also stand in the middle of a circle and pull a rope, raising the circle and forming a huge cylindrical bubble all around you; we did this a few dozen times. Nyla had a wonderful time, and fell fast asleep on the car ride home.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Violent Nyla

Two somewhat related stories:

Recently, we noticed that we had a squirrel living in our attic (a contractor has since come and properly weatherized our attic). When I told Nyla that I was going to go up in the attic to try to get the squirrel out of there, she said, "I'm gonna get a baseball bat and slam him!"

Tonight, Wyndee and I were discussing the prospects of an alien invasion (don't ask). Nyla chimed in, "We can get a sharp knife." "What?" "For the aliens, when they come. So we can poke them!"

These stories are probably cuter than they sound; you really have to hear her say it -- so full of excitement. On second thought, maybe that makes them more disturbing....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Since we have no baby sitters, this year for Valentine's day we hung out at home with the kids. Wyndee and Nyla frosted and decorated cookies. Pat and Nyla made Valentines for everyone. We also got Celia and Nyla some little presents for Valentine's Day. Celia got a mommy and baby bunny, and Nyla got two princesses. Nyla is obsessed with her Disney Princesses and often goes to sleep clutching them in her hands or with them spread out in bed with her. This is a picture of how I found Nyla in the morning last Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Celia is 2 mo. old!

Celia had her 2 month doctor appointment today. She weighs 10 lbs 11 oz. (50%), she is 23 in long (75%) and her head size is 38 1/2 cm (50%). She is growing well and her doctor said she looked great.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Our new living room

Well, it's been a long time coming, but we finally furnished our living room. A few months ago, it consisted of an inflatable dorm room couch and a cardboard box. But in lieu of traditional Christmas presents, Wyndee and I asked for furniture, and now have an elegant-looking living room. It took a while to find time to shop for, purchase, and assemble the furniture, which is why this post is coming in February!

Smiling Celia

Celia has been smiling a lot lately, and we've even managed to capture this on camera:

A cute Nyla and Celia story: the other day, while I was holding Celia on the couch, Nyla sat next to me and sang "Rock-a-bye baby" to her. She remembered all the words, and even substituted Celia's name at appropriate points in the song. Celia liked the attention from her big sister.