Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dinning Room Before and After.

Here's the before . . .

and here's the after. It is not totally done yet. The blue needs a second coat and we are planning to put up more pictures but this is the basic idea.

Preschool Easter Egg Hunt

This is a picture of Nyla finding her first egg. She was so excited that she didn't bother to pick up the ones next to it. Nyla isn't the best egg hunter, each kid brought 12 eggs to hide, Nyla found 6. Her method was grabbing an egg and running to the other end of the playground rather than pick up ones next to it. She had fun though.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break 3

We caught Grandma Esther still in her rollers one morning. So, of course, Nyla had to have some too.

Nyla enjoyed playing with Pat's old ninja sword. She liked it so much she fell asleep with it one night.

Spring Break 2

Nyla and Celia with their cousins.

Spring Break

Celia, with her Grandmas.

Spring weather

Nyla enjoying the Spring weather a couple weeks ago.