Monday, May 31, 2010

Celia is mobile

Celia has started to move. While lying on her back, she will push off with her legs and scoot upwards along her back. Not exactly crawling, but she can cover a surprising amount of ground this way.

Nyla passes a psychological test

She didn't eat the marshmallow. Wyndee's version used chocolate chips, but the principle is the same.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Our new Phillies Gnome.

Celia in her high chair. She has been eating some solid food now. So far she has only eaten oatmeal and peas.

Nyla in her swimming pool. It has been pretty hot here the last week so we got out her pool. She doesn't actually have a head injury. There was a bug bite on her forehead and she insisted she needed a bandaid.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010