Monday, June 28, 2010

Yay, we finally sold the condo! They closed on it today. It was hard to get too excited about it before today since someone made an offer and then couldn't get a loan back in May. Anyway we are very excited. Maybe now we can start planning that trip to Disney World.

Monday, June 21, 2010


what other 6 mo old can wear pigtails?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Where's the N?

Nyla knows her ABC's, but when she sings them she often forgets the N. I asked her where the N goes in the alphabet, hoping to get her realize she forgot it and then put it in there. She told me it goes at the end right before Z. She Thinks it's Y N Z instead of Y and Z. I guess she doesn't think the N needs to be in there twice.

We have been reading Fancy Nancy books with Nyla lately. The books teach vocabulary by saying that something is a fancy word for something else. She has learned all kinds of fancy words. Yesterday at Kohl's she asked me, while holding out a dress " Mommy, what do you think of this dazzling gown?"

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Celia's 6-month appointment

Celia went to the doctor today, and received compliments on her long blond hair from the nurse. Weight: 16 pounds, 3 ounces (75th percentile); length: 27 inches (90th percentile); head circumference: 44 cm (75th percentile).

So apparently she's a tall baby. She also had to get three shots, which she was not fond of.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Go Reds

We went to a Cincinnati Reds game yesterday, courtesy of our friends, the Fardos, who had extra tickets to a luxury box. I can say with certainty that taking two small children to a baseball game would not have been nearly so pleasurable if we had sat in regular seats. Here's us at the game:

The kids also got souvenirs: Nyla got a Brandon Phillips jersey (which she is wearing above), and Celia got a monkey (below).

Nyla put her jersey on and wore it the rest of the game, all through the evening, wore it to bed, and then most of the next day. Then she took it off in favor of her flower girl dress.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First tooth!

Celia got her first tooth today! The front right bottom one.