Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Celia turns 2!

Celia's birthday cake!

Her celebration at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Layered Jell-o

Nyla brought this home from Preschool last Tuesday. She drew Pasta, A carrot, Mashed potatoes and her Great Grandmother's layered Jell-o.

Here she is eating the layered jell-o. It had a record 13 layers this year.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This morning Nyla sneezed and Celia said "bless you". It was so cute, she had never said that before. Celia is at such a cute age now where she says something new everyday.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nov 12

We just found out that Lowe's has these clinics on some Saturday mornings where kids can go and build something. This week was a Science lab, complete with experiments to do. We took the kids and they got to hammer nails into it to put it together. They both helped. Here is Nyla after we got home looking at the science experiment cards.

Here she is in her little apron. This is the first Build and Grow clinic that we have been to. She will get a badge for each one she does. Did I mention all of this was free?

I think Nyla has reconsidered her position that Lowe's is the most boring store ever.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Giving Tree, as read by Celia Breheny down.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Here we are as a family of superheroes and super villians.

Nyla as Batgirl and Celia as Poison Ivy.
I think Celia is doing the arm thing Word Girl does when she want to fly.
Batgirl and Robin
Pat as the Riddler.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Jack O Lanterns

Pat's pumpkin: Spooky Graveyard
Wyndee's Pumpkin: Owl
Nyla's Pumpkin: A sun.
Celia's Pumpkin designed by Nyla: Princess Jack o lantern

Nyla's Chore

We have just started trying to get Nyla to do some chores around the house. So far her job is cleaning the toilets. I got the idea from a friend who said her kindergartener loved cleaning toilets. So one day I asked Nyla if she wanted to learn how to clean them. She did and was really excited about it. Here she is doing her job.

Friday, October 21, 2011


A few comments from Nyla over the past few days. While playing pirates:
Nyla: We're pirates, and we like apples.
While we were playing cave people:
Nyla: Where's Mama?
Me: I think a bear ate her.
Nyla: Yes. There are lots of bears around here.
Later, when I tried to insert an anachronism into the play-acting:
Nyla: Cave people did not have guns.
Today, when I came home from work in a dress shirt and jacket:
Nyla: What is that outfit? What is it all about?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

this and that

I heard a gazump! I looked. I saw something pop out of the stump, it was our little Lorax.
Nyla and Punzie in their Dollie and Me clothes.
Pat and Nyla climbing a bur oak tree.
Celie and Pooh.
Our New bed! This is technically our Christmas present, but Pat let me buy it a little early. It just got delivered today.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Newport Rhode Island

Pat and I went to a wedding in Rhode Island over the weekend.

We saw a cool topiary garden.

fun with tie dying

Nyla and I tie dyed some clothes.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Nyla is 5!

Nyla had her 5 year check up last week. She is 42 and 1/2 inches tall and she weighs 37 pounds. She also had a hearing and vision test. Hearing was fine, vision was not perfect but must have been in the acceptable range at this point. Nyla also lost her second tooth yesterday.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Wyndee and Nyla drove by Lowe's today, and Nyla offered her opinion of the store:
Nyla: Lowe's is the most boring store ever. Why would they even make such a boring store?
Wyndee: Would it be better if they had a toy aisle?
Nyla: Yes, that is what it needs. If I had a toy I could hold while we were at Lowe's, that would be better.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cincinnati Zoo

Grandma Terri visited us for a week, and it was wonderful! One of the fun things we did together was travel to the Cincinnati Zoo. Nyla, wearing her zebra print skirt, was beyond excited to see the zebras:
Celia's favorite animal was actually the owl, but we couldn't get a picture of him since he was in the dark (on account of being nocturnal). But she liked the lions too:
Unfortunately, Wyndee fell into the mountain lion pit. She was mauled rather severely, but managed to get this really nice shot before things turned ugly:

A visit from the tooth fairy

Nyla lost her first tooth! This actually happened about a week ago, but we just now got around to blogging about it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Congratulations Nyla!

The Lexington Public Library has a summer reading program. People who finish their reading logs get their names put in a drawing for prizes. Nyla won this book. She was so excited we had to go to the library right then to get it.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Late July 2011

Here is Nyla helping me make kolaches. She is a very good helper, she filled them all with poppyseed filling.
Here is Celia in her room on her big girl bed. She is not actually sleeping in the bed yet, hopefully it will still be a while before she starts climbing out of the pack n play. She also has a new quilt for her bed that I made for her this spring.

Here is the rest of the room, I recently repainted it lavender, it used to be sky blue.In other news, Nyla has her first loose tooth and will be losing it any day now.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

Nyla, Wyndee, and I stayed up late to light fireworks last night. I thought Nyla would enjoy sparklers, but my safety talk ended up being a little too effective, and Nyla was terrified of them (she didn't even want to go near unlit ones). As Wyndee and I were playing with our sparklers,
Nyla (running away): Just stay away from me with those things, because I am not so fond of sparklers.
She loved the fountain/flare fireworks and the ground bloom flowers, though.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Celia 18 months.

I took Celia to the doctor yesterday for her 18 month appointment. She is 32 1/2 inches long, which puts her in the 75th percentile. She threw a huge fit and would not get on the baby scale to get an accurate reading for her weight. The best the nurse could do was to have me hold her and weigh both of us. So she weighed in at only 20 lbs.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Vacation Part 6. a few more pictures

We visited the original KFC, and had some original KFC. Pat wonders when (and why!) they stopped offering the Barrel-O-Chicken:

Ocean story

While on vacation, Nyla and I were swimming in the ocean about waist deep when a small red-haired boy came up next to us and said "Did you know the ocean washes away your pee?" while pulling at his crotch. Me: "Nyla, let's swim away from that boy."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer Vacation Part 5. Cypress Gardens.

We also went to the Cypress Gardens in South Carolina. We walked around a black water swamp. We were a little relieved we didn't see any alligators.