Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Random March pictures

I imagine we will see a lot more of this in the future. Celia is not actually playing anything, the batteries were removed.
Nyla outside in her tractor dress. She wore it for three days straight, until it got dirty.
Celia, in her Phillies dress. There wasn't a size big enough for Nyla to have one too.
Nyla eating breakfast.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nyla and the toilet

Nyla and I read a book tonight titled, "What happens when I flush the toilet?" She'd never seen the inside of the toilet, so I took her into the bathroom and lifted off the top of the tank.
Me: See, when you flush with the handle, it pulls on this chain, which is connected to the flapper, and when you lift it up, all the water gushes down into the toilet and washes all the pee and poop away.
Nyla: That's fantastic! I bet Mommy would love to see the inside of this toilet!

Monday, March 14, 2011

More pictures from our trip to Louisville

Celia saying "Wow" about the animals. Celia also liked anything with a steering wheel. She also liked the bus that played 'the Wheels on the Bus'. It was so cute, she would push the button to start the music then dance to it.
Pat and Nyla by the Ohio River.
Pilot Nyla.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Louisville Science Center

We went to the Star Trek exhibit at the Louisville Science Center today. Nyla was a bit bored at this exhibit but loved the rest of the place. Here are some pictures.

Beam us up, Scotty!
We all got to sit in Captain Kirk's chair.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Celia's Measurements.

Celia had her 15 month appointment today.
She weighs 20lbs 3oz. (20th percentile)
She is 31 1/2 inches tall (85th percentile)
Head size is 46 1/2 cm (75th percentile)

The doctor said she is perfectly normal and healthy. He had absolutely no concerns.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Maybe you have figured this out already, but if you click on the pictures you can see them larger.

March Pictures 2

Celia sporting her new sunglasses.
Nyla and Celia outside.

Nyla smiling for the camera.

March Pictures 1

Nyla and Celia swinging on a warm day.
Nyla being cute.
Celia being cute.
Celia found her belly button. We can ask her where some of her body parts are and she will point to them. So far she knows belly button, nose, ear and mouth. (Don't ask why she's half naked.)