Thursday, May 26, 2011

other pictures

I thought this was a cute picture. Pat is putting the blinds back up after we got our new windows installed.
The aspirations of a four year old girl.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wild Strawberries

Nyla's Preschool Graduation

Nyla with Miss Amy.
Nyla with Miss Lisa.
Nyla's preschool class. Notice it is all girls.
Nyla getting her diploma.

My driving, according to Nyla

Wyndee had a doctor's appointment today, so I had to take the kids to preschool. This meant that Wyndee took my car while I drove the van. Nyla and I had the following exchange:
Nyla: Does Mommy know how to drive your car?
Pat: Of course she does.
Nyla: Oh. Because it seems like it's hard for you.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Celia the Climber

We have discovered it is true what they say about second children being climbers. Celia has successfully climbed up on the kitchen table.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Day For Play in May

We bought Twister last weekend, and everyone loves to play. Even Celia (shown below), although she doesn't play by the rules. Nyla looks adorable playing Twister, but efforts to capture this on film have unfortunately been unsuccessful.


We have been planning a trip to the beach for this summer. So in preparation we bought the girls some floaters to wear in the water. Nyla loves hers. The first night we got them Nyla wore hers to bed, then for breakfast the next day.
I later saw her with it on looking at her shadow while holding her arms up like she was flexing and signing "I'm a muscle girl."

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Nyla and Celia made a little platform in the bedroom, got up on it, and started to sing and dance:
Wyndee: Oooh -- you can be up on the stage, and I'll be the audience.
Nyla: No. You're only one person, so you're an audient.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Nyla and I were reading the encyclopedia tonight, the article about mushrooms. We read about how some mushrooms are poisonous.
Me: So it's not a good idea to eat mushrooms that you find growing in strange places. But it is a good idea to eat the mushrooms that Mommy and Daddy buy at the grocery store.
Nyla: Do you wash all the poisonousness off of them?
Me: They don't sell the poison kind at Kroger.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Celia's first sentences

Celia still doesn't say a great number of words, but she has been saying her first two sentences. They are: "What's that?", which she says about a hundred times a day, and "I did it!", when she is proud of an accomplishment.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Celia loves animals. Example: the other day, she was rummaging around in the pantry the other day and found a can of evaporated milk with a picture of a cow on it. We found her sitting there holding the can and mooing at it.


Story 1: The other day, Wyndee was in the laundry room and Nyla wanted to go down into the basement. Nyla goes up to Celia and says, "Celia, let's go to the laundry room." They walk down the hall to the laundry room and ask Wyndee if she'll take them down to the basement. She says yes, and Nyla excitedly turns to Celia and says, "We convinced her!"

Story 2: The other day I was playing a video game with Nyla. We entered a cave and spooky music started to play. Nyla: "This music sounds very mysterious."

I'm a sucker for 4-year old girls using "convinced" and "mysterious" in sentences.