Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Layered Jell-o

Nyla brought this home from Preschool last Tuesday. She drew Pasta, A carrot, Mashed potatoes and her Great Grandmother's layered Jell-o.

Here she is eating the layered jell-o. It had a record 13 layers this year.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This morning Nyla sneezed and Celia said "bless you". It was so cute, she had never said that before. Celia is at such a cute age now where she says something new everyday.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nov 12

We just found out that Lowe's has these clinics on some Saturday mornings where kids can go and build something. This week was a Science lab, complete with experiments to do. We took the kids and they got to hammer nails into it to put it together. They both helped. Here is Nyla after we got home looking at the science experiment cards.

Here she is in her little apron. This is the first Build and Grow clinic that we have been to. She will get a badge for each one she does. Did I mention all of this was free?

I think Nyla has reconsidered her position that Lowe's is the most boring store ever.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Giving Tree, as read by Celia Breheny

Tree...boy...hug...happy...apple...stump...sit down.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Here we are as a family of superheroes and super villians.

Nyla as Batgirl and Celia as Poison Ivy.
I think Celia is doing the arm thing Word Girl does when she want to fly.
Batgirl and Robin
Pat as the Riddler.