Sunday, November 18, 2012

Celia is potty-trained!

She still wears a diaper to sleep in at night, but hasn't worn one during the day for about three weeks now.  Congratulations, Celia!

While we're on the topic of Celia, here is her take on our address:
Me: Celia, where do we live?
Celia: In A-tucky, by the earth, in our house.

Other October events

More October fun! Lots of leaves in the backyard for the kids to play in:
Wyndee had a great idea one day: Outdoor Candy Land.  Wyndee inspired a few imitators around the neighborhood as well. The kids had a lot of fun with this for about a week until it rained.
Wyndee and I also took a nice walk along the Kentucky River Palisades. There were some beautiful views from along the cliffs:


Well, lots have happened since our last blog posting. First in a series of posts: Halloween. The kids were both witches this year. Here they are in their costumes:
They also liked playing with vampire teeth:
We discovered a pumpkin plant growing in our garden this year. We're not entirely sure how it got there, but we managed to get a nice pumpkin out of it. Here is Celia next to the pumpkin while it was just starting to grow. It got bigger. And oranger.
Below are our family's pumpkins. Celia's pumpkin (the one above) is on the far left.