Monday, June 3, 2013

Dance recital part 2

Two years ago Nyla had her first dance recital. She was so excited afterward that she wouldn't take off her costume and insisted on sleeping in it.
Last year she did the same thing.

No matter how itchy the kids claim the costumes are ahead of time, they still want to sleep in them that first night. The excitement of the day hasn't worn off yet.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dance Recital

Here are some dance recital pictures of the girls.
The kids at Orange Leaf afterward.

Nyla's costume came with a cute little hood and cape. Her ballet dance had a little red riding hood theme.


We went to the arboretum today. Here are some pictures of the girls. They are wearing their Sound of Music inspired dresses. (Yes, I do have curtains to match).