Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Our little geologist

Last night at bedtime, Nyla requested a book called "Planet Earth: Inside Out". I was quite impressed by her enthusiasm for the book and her understanding of its concepts. Before we even opened the book, she pointed to a cross-sectional diagram of Earth on the cover and said, "That's the crust. That the part we live on." She was rather concerned, yet optimistic, about volcanoes: "If you lived by a volcano, the hot lava would destroy your house! [a look of worried panic, then relief] But then you could build a new house. That's my idea. We used to live in a condo, but then we moved to Kentucky and now I have a pink bedroom. Pink's my favorite color." Nyla was concerned that Wyndee was missing all this fascinating information. When story time was over, she ran into our bedroom and said, "Wyndee, I have to tell you about the Earth! If there was a volcano, but it didn't have a hole for the hot lava to come out, then it would just be a mountain, and people could live near it!" Wyndee promised to read her the book tomorrow so that she could learn all about the Earth.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Corn maze

We went to the Lexington Corn Maze this afternoon. Nyla got to climb to the top of a huge hay bale pyramid, Wyndee and I got to throw a lasso (we both sucked at it), and Celia went on her first hay rack ride. The highlight, of course, was the corn maze. Here's an aerial photo:
(this is in reference to the World Equestrian Games, in case you don't keep up with current equine events). It was a harrowing experience in the maize, but we finally found where we left Celia and rescued her from two strangers heading her way:


We went to the Louisville Zoo last weekend. We had a really good time, although for blog purposes, we really didn't come away with many good pictures. The highlight (at least for me) was probably the orangutan, who was very active and entertaining while we were watching him/her. The tiger was also very prowly. Here's me and Celia in the petting zoo:

And Wyndee and Nyla in front of the Lions den:

Celia is into everything

Celia has reached the age of "constantly getting into trouble." You take your eyes off of her for two seconds, she's into something: dumping out all the cookie cutters, eating paper, pulling things off of the table and throwing them onto the floor (she broke a bowl the other day), getting into the pantry and eating cans of tuna:

She will stop at nothing!

Firefighter day at preschool

The Lexington firefighters came to preschool last week, and Nyla got to sit in the fire truck. She was very excited:

New horse swing

Nyla got a new swing for her birthday from Grandma and Grandpa -- one of those two-person swings with spots for your feet to push against. Here's a picture of Nyla swinging on it wearing her tutu from ballet class and her pink cowgirl boots: