Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Our little geologist

Last night at bedtime, Nyla requested a book called "Planet Earth: Inside Out". I was quite impressed by her enthusiasm for the book and her understanding of its concepts. Before we even opened the book, she pointed to a cross-sectional diagram of Earth on the cover and said, "That's the crust. That the part we live on." She was rather concerned, yet optimistic, about volcanoes: "If you lived by a volcano, the hot lava would destroy your house! [a look of worried panic, then relief] But then you could build a new house. That's my idea. We used to live in a condo, but then we moved to Kentucky and now I have a pink bedroom. Pink's my favorite color." Nyla was concerned that Wyndee was missing all this fascinating information. When story time was over, she ran into our bedroom and said, "Wyndee, I have to tell you about the Earth! If there was a volcano, but it didn't have a hole for the hot lava to come out, then it would just be a mountain, and people could live near it!" Wyndee promised to read her the book tomorrow so that she could learn all about the Earth.

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