Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Nyla, Celia, and I did two science experiments last night.  In the first one, we tried to mix a spoonful of baking soda and a 1/2 cup of vinegar in a Ziploc bag, then seal the bag.  As the two substances mix, they give off carbon dioxide, which -- in principle -- causes the bag to swell and then explode.  Unfortunately, the off-brand of plastic bags we buy are apparently not airtight, so all it did was swell and then make gas-escaping noises.

In our second experiment, we touched a balloon to a candle flame; it exploded immediately.  We then filled a balloon with water instead, and you could put it in the fire without any problems (because the water absorbs the heat).  I even used the balloon to smother the flame.
Nyla: Now that's what I call a science experiment!

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