Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Celia does not like to admit when she's wrong

Celia and Wyndee had the following conversation at lunch the other day:

W: Do you want some stuffing?
C: No.  It's yuck.
W: Remember our rule: you can't say something is yuck unless you've tried it.  Do you want to try some stuffing?
C: OK, but when I taste it, it's going to be yuck.

[tastes it]

W: How was it?
C: It was yuck. [Makes thumbs-down gesture] But the next time I try it, it's going to be good.

[takes another bite]

W: How was it?
C: It was good! [Makes thumbs-up gesture]
Fascinating that she would actually insist that the first bite tasted bad, but that subsequent bites were good, all just to avoid admitting that she was wrong about how stuffing would taste.

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